Challenges Facing Purchasing of Cannabis in the USA

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Quite numerous people in the United States of America consume marijuana It is therefore, on high demand for delivery. People, buy it from shops, and also through online and get deliveries either on agreed period or instantly. Purchasing the drug is not as easy as many people could think. One must fulfill certain requirements to be legible for access of it. This is because the government in the states allowed to sell bhang has put regulations on the same. Many people yarn to buy bhang, but they do not pass the test to allow them to do so. The cannabis users are faced by the following challenges in their endeavors to buy marijuana from the dealers:

Insufficient funds to buy enough bhang

Many cannabis users do not have enough money to sustain their desire for the drug. Marijuana is applied in food substances like cookies and ice creams which are expensive to purchase. This therefore make the products difficult to acquire. Some dealers in the drug also sell it in blunts which are relatively costly. In one day, a person can take approximately ten blunts which makes it expensive. Things, hence, suffer capital deficiency to get marijuana which becomes a challenge to them

High taxation

The government has inflicted high taxation to bhang sellers. This high charges directly lead to buying prices of marijuana getting high. This affects the buying of this narcotic drug. Customers rate of purchase. Definitely goes down.

Cannabis is not easily available

Some people are forced to cover long distances to be able to reach the narcotic dealers. Others are forced to buy it online which could be challenging, and also expensive. This is due to network failures leading to poor internet connections, and also the cost of purchasing data bundles which is high. The time taken to make these deliveries could be quite long. Other

people placing orders get the bhang through delivery by the pickups which takes relatively long. This affects the whole process of buying the drug.

Government restrictions

Certain laws put by the government to regulate purchase of bhang do not favor every person who is in need of consuming marijuana, For, example, restrictions on age to allow only those over twenty-one years of age to consume it leaves many people below that age and with the desire to take cannabis unattended. This is lowers the purchasing number of this drug since the largest number lies below that age bracket

The above challenges affect the buying of cannabis in the United States of America Green Society Some of them that affect the consumers of bhang are as a result of the government involvement in the selling and purchase of this narcotic drug. The reason for government involvement is to instill strict rules to govern the drug and prevent it from abuse. This is because if people are left to sell marijuana openly and under no regulations by the government, it could be harmful to the users.