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Psilocybin is a potent hallucinogenic ingredient found in magic mushrooms, sometimes called psilocybin mushrooms, golden mammoth shroom. Psilocybin, when consumed, has the power to significantly alter perception, mood, and thought patterns. Magic mushrooms are often used for their therapeutic and spiritual benefits, but it’s vital to remember that they can also have hazards and adverse effects. 

This article will cover the guide to taking magic mushrooms safely, the types of magic mushrooms, and other areas concerning them. 

  • Be sure to buy your mushrooms from a reliable supplier by being aware of them. If you aren’t an expert mushroom hunter, avoid gathering wild mushrooms because some might be poisonous or even fatal. 
  • Start with a minimal dose to determine your psilocybin sensitivity. It’s crucial to remember that magic mushrooms can have a wide range of potencies, so it’s better to start with a tiny dose to prevent any adverse effects. 
  • Establish your environment beforehand because magic mushrooms can intensify your feelings and senses. Establishing a cozy, secure, and familiar atmosphere for your journey is crucial. 
  • Stay hydrated and nourished – Magic mushrooms can dehydrate you, so drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated throughout your trip is essential. 
  • Before ingesting magic mushrooms, it’s a good idea to set an intention for your trip. This could be a personal objective or a topic of interest. Establishing an intention before your travel can help you stay focused and give you a sense of direction. 
  • After your journey, it’s crucial to give yourself time for integration. This entails considering what happened, journaling, or speaking with a dependable friend or counsellor. 
  • The benefits of magic mushrooms might be numerous, but there can also be hazards and adverse effects. Anxiety, paranoia, disorientation, and, in a few rare instances, psychosis are a few of these. Understanding the hazards and getting medical help if you develop any severe or lingering symptoms is critical. These steps in the guide to safely taking magic mushrooms will help to be secure. 

Which Mushrooms Make You High? 

In this guide to taking Magic Mushrooms Safely, we will see some magic mushrooms that will make one high. 

  • Semilanceate Psilocybe (liberty caps) 
  • Psylobacterium cubense (golden caps, cubes) 
  • Psilocybe azureescens (flying saucers) 
  • Psilocybe cyanescens (wavy caps) 

Individuals that utilize them talk about having more intense emotions and more time to think. Time dilation and synesthesia, a condition in which the senses are combined, are also experienced by specific users. 

Medicinal Usage of Magic Mushrooms 

One of the most explored uses of psilocybin for anxiety is end-of-life anxiety, supported by some vital data. 

The effectiveness of micro-dosing for migraines and cluster headaches, which are notoriously challenging to treat, is another area of research for scientists. 

Other promising medical applications for psilocybin include depression, OCD, and cigarette addiction. A guide to taking magic mushrooms safely will help us understand the usage of magic mushrooms in the health sector. 

How Much Do Magic Mushrooms Cost? 

You might be able to purchase magic mushrooms online if you’re fortunate enough to reside in a state with more lenient psilocybin regulations. The cost of mushrooms is complex because it depends on where they are grown and how much is bought. The kind and potency of the mushroom product will substantially influence the price. 

In conclusion, using magic mushrooms carefully and adequately can be a unique and life-changing event. You may ensure a fulfilling and happy journey by following this guide to take magic mushrooms safely.