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Cannabidiol commonly referred to as CBD is a chemical compound found in cannabis Sativa and hemp. The oil is extracted from Cannabis and mixed with an oil such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil. When purchasing it should be labeled as isolate or broad-spectrum for the safety of dogs 


The amount recommended is 1-2 mg per 10 pounds as a start. The oil should not have more than 0.3% THC as it will be toxic to dogs. They are administered either directly to the mouth or added to food in the bowl 

Uses of CBD in dogs 

Treating neuropathic pain that controls seizures. It reduces the seizure frequency when the dog consumes it. This works when taken together with seizure medicine 

Arthritis. Helps relieve pain and improve the dog’s overall mobility when given twice a day 

Cardiac benefits  

Stimulation of appetite  

Alleviates anxiety. The hemp brings a calm state to the dog and enabling him to have a mild relaxation 

Anti-inflammatory benefits especially on back pains 

Helps relieve pain from chronic illnesses such as cancer. Dogs having chemotherapy can benefit from this 

Possible Side Effects 

Generally, this product is safe for dogs and cats, It is fully dependent on the side effects on human beings. Some of them include  

A decrease in the production of saliva leading to mouth dryness  

An overdose of CBD has shown a decrease in blood pressure. This might lead to lightheadedness 

Weight loss  

Diarrhea and stomach discomfort  

Enlarged liver 

Drowsiness and dizziness. Its calming effect is counter-effective as it causes short stints of being drowsy  

There has been no conclusive research on the risks of using CBD oils on dogs. However, as a rule of thumb, when introducing something new to your dog, start with a lower dose and closely monitor for any reactions. This should help determine how to move forward with the use of it 


CBD-infused oils are safe for cats just as much as dogs. 

Uses in cats  

Reduces inflammation in the tissue hence less pain 

Aids in treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy due to its neuroprotector state 

Relieves nausea in the cat either from car sickness or otherwise 


Help regulate weight in obese cats 

Cancers. These oils help reduce the speed at which the tumors are growing 

Anxiety and general wellness. When used they bring a calm state to the cat 

The CBD oil for cats is different from that of humans and dogs as it is mixed with sardine oil. Cats cannot break down the oil in coconut oil hence the choice. A dosage of 2-4 mg of CB per 10 pounds is recommended, twice that of dogs. In extreme illnesses such as epilepsy and cancer, 4-6 mg of CBD per 10 pounds is recommended. Start small and adjust upwards according to the reaction of your cat. This should start as an approximation until you stabilize. Once the oil is administered, it takes 15-45 minutes to get in effect and lasts up to 6 hours  

How to use the oil  

Mix it with your cat’s food in their bowl, due to its taste most cats will lick it away. It works best on an empty stomach. It’s important to note that cats are different, so monitor the reaction closely 

Having a pet is fulfilling and this is why pet owners go to extra lengths of getting them treatment. In case your pet has any of these conditions, you might want to try these traditional treatment methods. However, start with a small dosage and monitor the reaction 

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